
Cocoa Horizons Certified Chocolate - Fairly Traded Cocoa Beans

100% Traceable Cocoa Beans

Cocoa Horizons Certified Chocolate - Fairly Traded Cocoa Beans

We are delighted to be able to produce our chocolates from Cocoa Horizons certified chocolate. Cocoa Horizons supports sustainable cocoa cultivation, ensuring a fair income for participating cocoa cooperatives.

Once the beans are sold they are shipped to Belgium to begin the process of turning them into delicious Belgian chocolate. On arrival the beans are blended, roasted and ground and then mixed with other ingredients such as milk and sugar. This receipe produces the luxury Belgian chocolate that we in turn craft into the chocolates you order for your clients.

Cocoa bean farmer at workCocoa Bean Pods on the treeCocoa bean farmer at workDrying Cocoa Beans

The Cocoa Beans are 100% traceable and batches of beans can be tracked back to the cocoa farming communities who grow them. FYI the current batch of chocolate we are producing from I've just traced the cocoa beans it was made from back to the Ivory Coast. It's amazing to think that we are another link in the chain which produces a delicious product for you to market your business with and it all begins with farmers in places like the Ivory Coast, Ghana and Equador who make their living growing these amazing cocoa beans that in the near future become promotional chocolate gifts like the examples below:

Large Branded Chocolate Bar

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